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Rally Classes

Rally 1

Prerequisite: Manners 2. Handlers must bring kennels to class and dogs must be in kennels when not working.

Rally is a program where dog and handler use directional signs to run through a numbered course. Rally goes beyond basic heeling by interspersing different movements with the normal sits, turns and paces of traditional heeling. Examples of some of these movements include 360 degree turn to the right, call front-finish left and sit-down-sit. Rally requires a brisk pace, positive attitude and happy demeanor. It is not simple or easy, but challenges handlers and dogs to perform in a partnership. Unlike traditional obedience, handlers may use extra signals and/or commands throughout their run to encourage their dogs. This feature, along with variability incorporated into course design and format, creates a fast-moving, continuous performance. In this class, students learn all the exercises to compete in Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) or Canadian Association of Rally Obedience (CARO) at the Novice level.

Rally 2

Prerequisite: Rally 1. Handlers must bring kennels to class and dogs must be in kennels when not working.

In this class, exercises such as pivots, sit-down-stand and jumps are included, and dogs work off-leash. In this class, students learn all the exercises to compete in Canadian Kennel Club (CKC) or Canadian Association of Rally Obedience (CARO) at the Advanced and Excellent levels.

Boy holding a dog's paw

Competition Rally

Prerequisite: Rally 2. Handlers must bring kennels to class and dogs must be in kennels when not working.

In this class, handlers who are familiar with all of the rally stations will practice by working their dogs in a trial-like situation, running their dogs through actual Advanced and Excellent courses.